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Wine bottle in a sentence

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Sentence count:28Posted:2017-03-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bottledthrottlelittle by littlebottomat bottommake both ends meetmettlerattleMeaning: n. a bottle for holding wine. 
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1. He uncorked the wine bottle.
2. Stand the wine bottle up for a few hours in a warm place before drinking.
3. To regain her composure, she opened the wine bottle in the kitchen and took a sip.
4. As she stood up an empty wine bottle clattered off the bench and rolled down the pavement.
5. The wine bottle had a white sheen of dust along one side, the wineglasses were wet from rinsing.
6. The wine bottle has two handles sticking out.
7. She plugged a cork in the wine bottle.
8. Finish the detail drawing of a wine bottle.
9. The wine bottle is empty.
10. Empty wine bottle have a bad opinion of women.
10. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
11. She stoppered the wine bottle.
12. Wine Bottle Shelf : Headiness rules the art too!
13. She stoppered the wine bottle ; The mothers stoppered their babies 'mouths with pacifiers.
14. Wine bottle stoppers account for 70 per cent of the value of cork producers'sales.
15. The standard wine bottle contains 75 cl [ centiliter ].
16. Scholars assert that hanging the wine bottle in smoke matured wine faster and improved its taste.
17. Fabrizzio handed him a wine bottle and Michael took; % long slug.
18. On the work surface she could see a bowl of salad,[] the wine bottle and a row of cutlery.
19. Among innumerable other tasks they are responsible for stamping the lead or paper seals which enclose wine bottle corks.
20. He had languidly stretched one arm out and in doing so knocked over the wine bottle.
21. On Dec. 30, he attacked Heidi with a broken wine bottle, slashing her right wrist.
22. We have rich product portfolio, but focus on high quality wine bottle, cup, and glass vessel.
23. Then the woman took out a bottle of wine and said, "Look, the wine bottle isn't broken, so it is a sign form the God that we have to drink it."
24. Products wanted: Embroidered napery products such as tablecloths, doilies, bags, wine bottle covers and mats.
25. Products wanted: Embroidered napery products such as tablecloths, doilies, bags, wine bottle covers and place mats.
26. It's a deep, soft pop, like a cork slipping free from a wine bottle.
27. A sweetheart is a bottle of wine; a wife is a wine bottle.
28. At the same time, the wine makers also produce a variety of wine bottle opener.
More similar words: bottledthrottlelittle by littlebottomat bottommake both ends meetmettlerattlecattlesettlelittlea littlebrittleshuttlebrattleprattlescuttleinebriatedsettle forresettlebelittleunsettleinebriationsettle downnot a littleunsettlednettlesomesettlementshuttle busbattle field
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